Scaling Software

My answer to the question 'What is the most important yet often overlooked aspect of scaling software?'


Science is writing it down


A reminder to myself that duty to ones nature is reason enough


Somebody doesn't work here

A great quote about creating a culture of ownership from the tale of Slack's first years

Jim Simons on beauty

Jim Simons' loved beauty

The Bauhaus of Software

Craft as Advantage

Friction to Publish

It's too hard to publish a blog post on this site.

Using LLMs in Production

A nod to Will Larson's post on using LLMs in production and some additional notes based on my own experience.

Announcing Rook

I've open sourced the code that powers this website


I added tags to my blog posts. You can use them to browse my posts now.

Service Health

My list of qualities that resilient, highly availabile services should have.

Product Market Fit

My personal experience and framework for finding product market fit

Craft and Care

A reaction to Allen Pike's 'Giving a shit' which recently trended on HN.

Reflections on running this year

Reflections on finally feeling like I am finding the joy in running and the principles I have picked up along the way.

Did Code Win?

Some brief thoughts on the future of no-code in a world where code generation is ubiquitous.

YouTube Subscriptions via RSS

A quick guide on how to watch YouTube in your RSS reader

Getting Started with Flask in 2023

All you need to get started using Flask for your next web application project.

Site Performance

A quick update on this site's performance (it should be a lot faster from now on!)


Sharing reflections on a great summer so far in Toronto, embracing AI tools like ChatGPT, evolving in my role at Ada, exploring new coding practices and dabbling in music.

LLMs as a New Kind of Computer

Thoughts on Beren's post about LLMs as a new form of computer

2023 Chilly Half Marathon - Race Reflections

Reflections on running the 2023 Chilly Half-Marathon race in Burlington

We're Living Wrong

Analysis and thoughts on the relationship between BMI, GDP and being healthy.

Running All Wrong

How slowing down is helping me speed up in the long run

Athenian Taxes

My RSS Setup

My RSS setup. The reader clients and feeds I follow, including a link to all of them in OPML format.

My Dream Phone

Some thoughts on my dream phone and reactions to learning about the Punkt MC01 Legend

Salmon in the River

Reflections on the notion of truth in ML

The 4 AM Club

Reflections on working remotely from Sydney and the benefits of getting up before the sun.

Hard Times Create Strong Companies

Driver UI

A quick thought on car usability


US Navy SEAL Competitive Physical Screening Test Score


Looking back, I wish that as a founder I had been more aware about the

Pray for Pain

My Partner


Announcing Your Time