Announcing Rook

Back in 2014 when I was starting to hone my PHP skills, I had the idea to make my own website publishing product. I didn't mind if no one else could use it, I just wanted it to work super well for me so that I could write on my own wall from anywhere. I called it 'Rook' and I think Mike was actually able to get it running for himself too at one point.

10 years later, I'm still scratching my own itches. This time, I wanted to give it to everyone so more people can become indie web publishers. Here it is:

First screenshot of Rook

What's Rook For?

  1. Hosting your own combination website and blog (like this one!)
  2. Boils web publishing down to two concepts: Pages and Posts. Pages are living and can be updated regularly (ex. /about). Posts are your blog posts and are served at /blog/ .
  3. Runs on a server that you control on your domain. You can see and modify any of the code if you want to, or just stick to changing config.yaml.
  4. Uses Markdown for all post and page content.
  5. Uses FTP (or SSH if you prefer) and hot reloading. Just drag and drop .md files onto your server to publish.

You can read more and find out how to run it yourself here. Please enjoy!